


Netfit installs the latest and up to date systems with user-friendly interfaces, whether it’s a SMART CCTV system, Intruder Alarm or Automated gates. We complete a full user training breakdown to ensure the people who are using it understand its full potential.

Netfit offers a range of payment types from Bank transfers, PayPal to monthly or annual finance options. Please get in touch to discuss which payment option works for you.

Netfit can provide a range of monitoring across your system.

  • Health Monitoring is the absolute must-have for all systems, the primary role is to notify the owner of a device (CCTV, intruder alarm etc.) that goes offline.
  • Monitoring is the next step up where devices will be monitored 24/7 by a guard and issues or disturbances will be escalated to the relevant process.
  • Guarding brings in a high level of human intervention, disturbances will notify a guard to attend the site and report any break-ins, disturbances and/or report this to the owners or police.

Netfit recommends regular servicing of any electronic system we install, similar to your car.
Netfit offers a Service Maintenance Agreement which takes all the worry away from the owners that their systems are safe, secure and will stand the test of time.

Netfit is a ‘Gate Safe’ registered installer, Gate Safe focus on enforcing safety and reliable gates (automated/non-automated gates) in turn reducing the chance of injury to persons or animals. Gate Safe charity can be found Gate Safe Home | Automated & Manual Gate Safety (”.

Automated gates are classed as machinery, there are legislations you must meet as the owner of the automated gate. Having regular maintenance of these automated gates gives you the peace of mind your gate is safe, Some legislations below:

  • Any residential complex that is managed by landlords, managing agents etc are subject to Health and Safety legislation
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • The Workplace (health, safety and welfare) Regulations 1992
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
  • Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008